Konstantin holds the PhD diploma in law of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation.
We are glad to announce that Konstantin has recently graduated from the COLLÈGE UNIVERSITAIRE FRANÇAIS and now holds the master 1 diploma in French law. Konstantin have studied for 2 years in the special program of continuing education. The program is contributed to by leading French universities (Paris I – Panthéon Sorbonne, Paris II – Panthéon Assas, Paris IV – Paris Sorbonne, Paris V – René Descartes, Paris VIII – Vincennes Saint-Denis, EHESS, Aix-Marseille III, l’ENS Cachan, l’ENS de Paris) and included professors corresponding to Konstantin’s academic research and interests.
Konstantin’s research project (mémoire en droit) «Le principe numerus clausus des droits réels» in French concerned the topic of the freedom to create property rights in land and buildings not provided by the law. The research project intended to coincide with the launched reform of real rights in the Russian Federation and the similar reforms in France under discussion since 2007.
The fundamental knowledge of different legal aspects of the jurisprudence helps Konstantin to meet the most various demands of clients from all over the world.
Also, as mentioned in our previous news, in May 2020 our associate Philip Vagin graduated from Tulane Law School (New Orleans) with a Master’s Degree in Admiralty Law with distinction.
We are proud that NAVICUS.LAW’s team is getting better not only in the field of shipping expertise but also in the wider academic legal sphere.